Thursday, November 11, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Frontier Primary Health Care - Profile

Please click here for profile of Frontier Primary Health Care Pakistan (FPHC), supported by The Hillman Fund of Rose Charities Canada
Friday, August 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Cambodian Ophthalmological Society Clinical Seminar Phnom Penh June 25-26 2010

(This was known within Rose as the COS-ROS Meeting. However it was also sponsored by the Fred Hollows Association and several equipment companies)

The meeting was very well attended (approx 200 participants). Topics covered, blindness control in Cambodia, high volume cataract surgery, blind school survey in Cambodia, ptosis evaluation and surgery, refractive correction of keratoconus, dry eye syndrome, systemic eye diseases, endonasal DCR, limbal relaxing incision for astigmatism during phaecoemulsification, small incision surgical techniques (SICS), transition of SICS to phaecoemulsification, managment of fungal corneal ulcers, pharmacology for ophthalmology for pregnancy, anti VGF in management of neovascular eye disease, vitrectomy, laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy, new managments of open angle glaucoma, how to manage bleb failure in glaucoma surgery, benefit of toric IOL to pre-existing corneal astigmatism, choice of asperic multifocal acryslic IOL ReSTOR, efficacy of moxifloxacin in ocular infection (Vigamox).
Speakers were local, from Cambodia (Dr's Dr Seiha, Sun Sarin, Sarath, Neang Mao, Ngy Meng, Ouk So Leaphy, Kong Piseth, Heng Hour, Hang Vra, Kak Kada, Pang Samorn, Ek Sarou. From Canada, Prof. William Grut; New Zealand Mike Webber; Nepal, Dr Basant Sharma; Thailand, Dr Pichit Nariptaphan (Rajvithi Hospital); USA, Prof. Ken Freedman (Texas University)
Sponsors of the meeting inclueded The Cambodian Ophthalmological Society, Rose Charities, Fred Hollows Foundation, Alcon and Ajanta Pharma Limited.
Location was in the conference rooms of the Naga World Center.
Grateful appreciation to Dr Do Seiha, and Dr Ngy Meng and the Cambodian Ophthalmological Society for organizing such a successful conference.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Emergency triage assessment and treatment course: Kenya, Dec 2009
Report on ETAT+ held at KMTC Nairobi 9-13 and 16-20 November 2009
Purpose: The Ministry of Medical Services has requested that the Ministry’s Paediatric Protocols be taught as part of the appropriate programmes at KMTC. The letter of request stating this goal led to discussion between KMTC and KEMRI personnel. These courses became joint efforts between the two organisations in conjunction with MoMS. KMTC’s Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and KEMRI representatives worked closely to set up the course. KMTC provided venue and lunches as well as transportation and appropriate lodging fees for faculty from their campuses across the country. The 23 campuses with schools of nursing and 16 with schools of clinical medicine all sent lecturers to participate in the courses. A particular request from KMTC was to hold larger than normal classes to allow greater numbers of lecturers to participate and KEMRI met this request but with commitment to maintain participant:faculty ratios less than 8:1. KEMRI supplied textual and printed materials, training equipment and insructors as well as teas with snacks.
Venue: KMTC Nursing School Assembly Hall and HMS Auditorium for plenary sessions and Skills Laboratory for practical sessions
Dates: Two courses were held; 9-13 November and 16-20 November
Course Directors: 9-13 Nov. Dr. Teresa Alwar
16-20 Nov. Rebecca Mwengi and Jalemba Aluvaala
Course Coordinators: KEMRI: Dr. Bill Bevins assisted by Judy Ng’ang’a and Jason Kiruja
KMTC: Florence Maina with assistance from Lucy Kuria, Joseph Bwogo and Rosemary Andendo and others.
Logistics: Organisation went relatively smoothly. A series of pre-course meetings were held with KMTC Deputy Director of Academic Affairs and heads of departments. Pre-course reading materials were assembled by KEMRI and distributed by PIU across Kenya. Materials were delivered at least the requisite 4 weeks in advance. Due to shuffling among participants a few received materials later than two weeks before the course. The course opened both sessions with Dr. Grace Irimu giving a history of the Ministries’ Paediatric Protocols and ETAT+ with encouragement to use the material to update teaching and practice of paediatrics rather than view the course from an implementation strategy; the material presented is based on sound paediatrics with an evidence base designed and proven in Kenya. The hospital patient file and mortality audit and inspection was performed at Mbagathi District Hospital. This facility is more like the hospitals with which the various MTCs are associated. These visits were orchestrated with the assistance of the paediatrician at Mbagathi, Dr. Loice Mutai. A separate report will detail the site visit and summarise inspection findings. The feedback sessions were organised to discuss how to conduct inspection and reflection on the audit process using the protocols and a group discussion led by Dr. Ngwiri the first week and Dr. Aluvaala the second week on how these courses should impact the lecturers. This is discussed further in a separate section.
Venue: The venues worked well. The Assembly Hall worked well and has good acoustics. 7/10 days were held there with the last 3/10 days held in HMS auditorium due to scheduling conflicts. Because of the size of the classes five breakout groups were organised for the practical sessions. These were scattered reasonably closely to the plenary session rooms. Access was opened between the Nursing school and Skills Laboratory to reduce walking times. The participants had many questions and there was a tendency for especially practical sessions to go overtime but largely the schedule was adhered to.
Transportation: The reasons for close adherence to time to allow the course material to be well covered was explained initially. Through the week adherence to schedule improved in regards to participant timeliness. Transportation from lodging in the morning was often cited as challenging. Transportation to and from Mbagathi DH was provided by KMTC buses.
Meals: Meals were served at the KMTC kitchen in KNH and were well received. The walking distance made keeping to time more challenging. Water was provided by KMTC during the days. Teas and snacks were provided by KEMRI using the services of Comcare Café who were very good about keeping to requested times.
Sponsors: KMTC and KEMRI shared costs of the course as described in the opening. KEMRI’s contributions will be detailed in a separate document. MoMS greatly assisted in the impetus for the trainings and with release and letters of release for the clinicians who serve as ETAT+ faculty. Faculty were released from other duties from government hospitals, KNH education and paediatric staff, KMTC lecturers and UoN post-graduate registrars in Paediatrics.
Facilitation of courses: 9-13 November, Full Instructors:
Dr. Teresa Alwar (post-graduate UoN)
Dr. John Wachira (post-graduate UoN)
Dr. Thomas Ngwiri (MoMS, Paediatrician Embu Provincial Hospital)
Dr. Bernard Awuonda (MoMS, Paediatrician, Voi District Hospital)
Dr. James Gitau (MoMS, Paediatrician, Garissa District Hospital)
Instructor candidates:
Dr. John Ngugi (MoMS, Paediatrician, Karatina District Hospital)
Mr. Jason Kiruja (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Carol Ouma (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Caroline Malingu (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Linda Chemtai (RCO, KNH)
Dr. Prisca Amolo (post-graduate UoN)
In the evaluation of the ICs at the end of the first course Kiruja and Amolo were advanced to full instructor status.
16-20 November, Full Instructors:
Mrs. Rebeccah Mwengi (KRN, KMTC Kitui)
Dr. Jalemba Aluvaala (MoMS, Nyahururu District Hospital)
Mr. Jason Kiruja (KRN, KNH)
Dr. Brian Mauga (post-graduate, UoN)
Dr. Bill Kigathi (post-graduate, UoN)
Dr. Grace Nalwa (post-graduate, UoN)
Instructor candidates:
Ms. Carol Ouma (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Caroline Malingu (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Linda Chemtai (RCO, KNH)
Mr. Eliud Okello (KRN, KNH)
Dr. Abdisalam Maalim (post-graduate, UoN)
In the evaluation of the ICs at the end of the second course Chemtai and Maalim were advanced to full instructor status.
Discussion Session re: Way Forward with Basic Paediatric Protocols/ETAT+:
Discussion was held with all participants and faculty on the 4th day of each course after the visit to Mbagathi District Hospital. Common themes emerged in both weeks and considerations are herein discussed together from both courses.
It was acknowledged that many stakeholder consider ETAT+ important and as a contributor to meeting MDG. MoMS, KPA, WHO (KCO), UoN, Moi University and MTRH all agree that implementing the material should be given priority. KMTC is collaborating as well with these two courses for lecturers. KMTC is vital to ensure that health care workers in Kenya acquire these skills in pre-service training. KMTC lecturers are teachers and so are familiar with concepts of adult education that are built into the ETAT+ delivery. Modern teaching methods are being embraced including e-learning and skills laboratories. There is also the extensive and nationwide presence which can allow for potential rapid scaling up of dissemination of the Basic Paediatric Protocols. It was agreed these are more updating of information and skills than implementation of new material allowing for speedier scaling up than a re-write of curriculum. It was recognised that how the material is presented in ETAT+ is unique and contributes to retention of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
ETAT+ challenges some old practices and trainers must be willing to adapt to new evidence and current best practice guidelines with the continuous challenge of life long learning as new data emerges. ETAT+ is hands on and requires trainers to spend bedside time teaching but also practicing. We must all be spending time in the hospital training for the market.
It was pointed out that the lecturers do not always feel welcome in the hospitals where their facilities are located due to regulations in those hospitals and the existing institutional policies between the Ministries and other government institutions.
It was also pointed out that the regulatory bodies may have policies in place differing from KMTC policies making changes in teaching difficult. It was recommended that the Chief Nursing and Chief Clinical Officer and the representative governing boards be involved in discussions with KMTC for this need.
The overall performance of both groups of lecturers was very good with a very high pass rate. Five people in each class, or a total of ten overall, were identified as Instructor Potential, which makes them eligible for consideration for invitation to the Generic Instructor Course. The GIC is the UK standard needed to become a recognised Instructor Candidate. The IC is then eligible to become a full instructor for ETAT+ after observation in two full ETAT+ courses.
Four IC were advanced to full instructor status during these two courses.
16 December 2009
Dr. Bill Bevins
Purpose: The Ministry of Medical Services has requested that the Ministry’s Paediatric Protocols be taught as part of the appropriate programmes at KMTC. The letter of request stating this goal led to discussion between KMTC and KEMRI personnel. These courses became joint efforts between the two organisations in conjunction with MoMS. KMTC’s Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and KEMRI representatives worked closely to set up the course. KMTC provided venue and lunches as well as transportation and appropriate lodging fees for faculty from their campuses across the country. The 23 campuses with schools of nursing and 16 with schools of clinical medicine all sent lecturers to participate in the courses. A particular request from KMTC was to hold larger than normal classes to allow greater numbers of lecturers to participate and KEMRI met this request but with commitment to maintain participant:faculty ratios less than 8:1. KEMRI supplied textual and printed materials, training equipment and insructors as well as teas with snacks.
Venue: KMTC Nursing School Assembly Hall and HMS Auditorium for plenary sessions and Skills Laboratory for practical sessions
Dates: Two courses were held; 9-13 November and 16-20 November
Course Directors: 9-13 Nov. Dr. Teresa Alwar
16-20 Nov. Rebecca Mwengi and Jalemba Aluvaala
Course Coordinators: KEMRI: Dr. Bill Bevins assisted by Judy Ng’ang’a and Jason Kiruja
KMTC: Florence Maina with assistance from Lucy Kuria, Joseph Bwogo and Rosemary Andendo and others.
Logistics: Organisation went relatively smoothly. A series of pre-course meetings were held with KMTC Deputy Director of Academic Affairs and heads of departments. Pre-course reading materials were assembled by KEMRI and distributed by PIU across Kenya. Materials were delivered at least the requisite 4 weeks in advance. Due to shuffling among participants a few received materials later than two weeks before the course. The course opened both sessions with Dr. Grace Irimu giving a history of the Ministries’ Paediatric Protocols and ETAT+ with encouragement to use the material to update teaching and practice of paediatrics rather than view the course from an implementation strategy; the material presented is based on sound paediatrics with an evidence base designed and proven in Kenya. The hospital patient file and mortality audit and inspection was performed at Mbagathi District Hospital. This facility is more like the hospitals with which the various MTCs are associated. These visits were orchestrated with the assistance of the paediatrician at Mbagathi, Dr. Loice Mutai. A separate report will detail the site visit and summarise inspection findings. The feedback sessions were organised to discuss how to conduct inspection and reflection on the audit process using the protocols and a group discussion led by Dr. Ngwiri the first week and Dr. Aluvaala the second week on how these courses should impact the lecturers. This is discussed further in a separate section.
Venue: The venues worked well. The Assembly Hall worked well and has good acoustics. 7/10 days were held there with the last 3/10 days held in HMS auditorium due to scheduling conflicts. Because of the size of the classes five breakout groups were organised for the practical sessions. These were scattered reasonably closely to the plenary session rooms. Access was opened between the Nursing school and Skills Laboratory to reduce walking times. The participants had many questions and there was a tendency for especially practical sessions to go overtime but largely the schedule was adhered to.
Transportation: The reasons for close adherence to time to allow the course material to be well covered was explained initially. Through the week adherence to schedule improved in regards to participant timeliness. Transportation from lodging in the morning was often cited as challenging. Transportation to and from Mbagathi DH was provided by KMTC buses.
Meals: Meals were served at the KMTC kitchen in KNH and were well received. The walking distance made keeping to time more challenging. Water was provided by KMTC during the days. Teas and snacks were provided by KEMRI using the services of Comcare Café who were very good about keeping to requested times.
Sponsors: KMTC and KEMRI shared costs of the course as described in the opening. KEMRI’s contributions will be detailed in a separate document. MoMS greatly assisted in the impetus for the trainings and with release and letters of release for the clinicians who serve as ETAT+ faculty. Faculty were released from other duties from government hospitals, KNH education and paediatric staff, KMTC lecturers and UoN post-graduate registrars in Paediatrics.
Facilitation of courses: 9-13 November, Full Instructors:
Dr. Teresa Alwar (post-graduate UoN)
Dr. John Wachira (post-graduate UoN)
Dr. Thomas Ngwiri (MoMS, Paediatrician Embu Provincial Hospital)
Dr. Bernard Awuonda (MoMS, Paediatrician, Voi District Hospital)
Dr. James Gitau (MoMS, Paediatrician, Garissa District Hospital)
Instructor candidates:
Dr. John Ngugi (MoMS, Paediatrician, Karatina District Hospital)
Mr. Jason Kiruja (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Carol Ouma (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Caroline Malingu (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Linda Chemtai (RCO, KNH)
Dr. Prisca Amolo (post-graduate UoN)
In the evaluation of the ICs at the end of the first course Kiruja and Amolo were advanced to full instructor status.
16-20 November, Full Instructors:
Mrs. Rebeccah Mwengi (KRN, KMTC Kitui)
Dr. Jalemba Aluvaala (MoMS, Nyahururu District Hospital)
Mr. Jason Kiruja (KRN, KNH)
Dr. Brian Mauga (post-graduate, UoN)
Dr. Bill Kigathi (post-graduate, UoN)
Dr. Grace Nalwa (post-graduate, UoN)
Instructor candidates:
Ms. Carol Ouma (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Caroline Malingu (KRN, KNH)
Ms. Linda Chemtai (RCO, KNH)
Mr. Eliud Okello (KRN, KNH)
Dr. Abdisalam Maalim (post-graduate, UoN)
In the evaluation of the ICs at the end of the second course Chemtai and Maalim were advanced to full instructor status.
Discussion Session re: Way Forward with Basic Paediatric Protocols/ETAT+:
Discussion was held with all participants and faculty on the 4th day of each course after the visit to Mbagathi District Hospital. Common themes emerged in both weeks and considerations are herein discussed together from both courses.
It was acknowledged that many stakeholder consider ETAT+ important and as a contributor to meeting MDG. MoMS, KPA, WHO (KCO), UoN, Moi University and MTRH all agree that implementing the material should be given priority. KMTC is collaborating as well with these two courses for lecturers. KMTC is vital to ensure that health care workers in Kenya acquire these skills in pre-service training. KMTC lecturers are teachers and so are familiar with concepts of adult education that are built into the ETAT+ delivery. Modern teaching methods are being embraced including e-learning and skills laboratories. There is also the extensive and nationwide presence which can allow for potential rapid scaling up of dissemination of the Basic Paediatric Protocols. It was agreed these are more updating of information and skills than implementation of new material allowing for speedier scaling up than a re-write of curriculum. It was recognised that how the material is presented in ETAT+ is unique and contributes to retention of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
ETAT+ challenges some old practices and trainers must be willing to adapt to new evidence and current best practice guidelines with the continuous challenge of life long learning as new data emerges. ETAT+ is hands on and requires trainers to spend bedside time teaching but also practicing. We must all be spending time in the hospital training for the market.
It was pointed out that the lecturers do not always feel welcome in the hospitals where their facilities are located due to regulations in those hospitals and the existing institutional policies between the Ministries and other government institutions.
It was also pointed out that the regulatory bodies may have policies in place differing from KMTC policies making changes in teaching difficult. It was recommended that the Chief Nursing and Chief Clinical Officer and the representative governing boards be involved in discussions with KMTC for this need.
The overall performance of both groups of lecturers was very good with a very high pass rate. Five people in each class, or a total of ten overall, were identified as Instructor Potential, which makes them eligible for consideration for invitation to the Generic Instructor Course. The GIC is the UK standard needed to become a recognised Instructor Candidate. The IC is then eligible to become a full instructor for ETAT+ after observation in two full ETAT+ courses.
Four IC were advanced to full instructor status during these two courses.
16 December 2009
Dr. Bill Bevins
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
2009 Annual Report-Descriptive: S.ASIA
Rose Charities International has had another productive year in S.Asia With one or two exceptions most of the projects and initiatives have either expanded or maintained their 2008 levels of operation.
Activities and projects are divided geographically.
The CIDA funding program came to an end mid 2009 and as no new funding had been offered (the CIDA grant was for post-tsunami reconstruction and hence not part of a continuing program), many of the original elements had to be run-down or discontinued. The main casualty was the counseling program but the others, namely Sports for Peace, and Education were significantly reduced pending restructure.
Earlier in the year Sports for Peace particularly had achieved some notable successes with two of its participants being selected for the national team. Rose Charities has established communication with the Sport for Peace Foundation Monacco who have expressed interest in the progam and kindly invited Rose Charities to send a representative to their annual conference.
In October 2009 a major European Philanthropic Organization awarded substantial 3 year a grant for ‘Young Woman and Child Education’ The planned program extends from ECCE/D (Early Childhood Care and Education / Development ) through to women targeted higher education. Elements of sporting activities are also included and special needs children also. Young women are targeted through direct grants as well as women’s group activities at community level as well as targeted vocational training Pre-program activities started December 2009 with view to full commencement January 2010..
In order to assist in monitoring this and other Sri Lanka programs and to create a ‘think-tank’, advisory steering, and fund-raising function a Rose Charities Canada, Sri Lanka Projects Sub-committee was formed.
Other programs (additional to the grant program) which continue include…
The University/College support program (formerly UniversiTea) which runs in conjunction with the Education Generation Organization ( and has now assisted around 80 students, some of whom have now successfully graduated in several disciplines and have obtained jobs
The Rose Charities Sri Lanka Microcredit program. This, very successful program is monitored and assisted by the RoseMicroCredit Committee of Rose Charities Canada which runs its own fund raising program as well as website. Around 1000 persons have now been assisted in individual or shared micro-credit initiatives of all types.
Eye Clinic. A small eye clinic was founded, with aim initially to provide simple examination and advice, but gradually to expand to refraction and glasses preparation services, more complicate medical treatments and possibly eventually cataract treatment. Speed of progress will depend on resources and ability to integrate into the current health systems
‘K-2-K (Kid to Kid), formerly ‘Edu-twin’ program. This program designed to twin children and families in industrialized countries with those needing schooling assistance in Sri Lanka . Several donors have already started contributing. However before the formal inauguration of this program there had been at least one generous individual sponsorship which effectively piloted the program
Rose Charities continues to support Frontier Primary Health Care (FPHC) Pakistan through the Hillman Medical Education Fund or This program is a Pakistani non-governmental organization (NGO), providing primary health care services to more than 150,000 people in the Charsadda, Mardan and Swabi districts of Northwestern Frontier Province. The Hillman support has helped to train women village health assistants in midwifery.
The RIC-Rose drug-alcohol rehabilitation and anti trafficking program suffered some contraction during 2009 which lead to a dormant planning and reassessment phase at the end of the year. Whether the program will be redeveloped is currently unclear.
Rose Charities New Zealand, which has major focus in ophthalmology, however commenced support for the Lumbini Eye Institutes program in training village female community eye workers to screed for eye disease. Early detection of conditions such as glaucoma or trachoma is essential to prevent blindness.
Rose Charities New Zealand also sponsored a visit by Dr Basant Raj Sharma - current Vice President of Rose Charities Intenational and Senior Ophthalmologist (and founder of several of their programs) at Lumbini Eye Institute to Visit New Zealand.
Rose Charities International has had another productive year in S.Asia With one or two exceptions most of the projects and initiatives have either expanded or maintained their 2008 levels of operation.
Activities and projects are divided geographically.
The CIDA funding program came to an end mid 2009 and as no new funding had been offered (the CIDA grant was for post-tsunami reconstruction and hence not part of a continuing program), many of the original elements had to be run-down or discontinued. The main casualty was the counseling program but the others, namely Sports for Peace, and Education were significantly reduced pending restructure.
Earlier in the year Sports for Peace particularly had achieved some notable successes with two of its participants being selected for the national team. Rose Charities has established communication with the Sport for Peace Foundation Monacco who have expressed interest in the progam and kindly invited Rose Charities to send a representative to their annual conference.
In October 2009 a major European Philanthropic Organization awarded substantial 3 year a grant for ‘Young Woman and Child Education’ The planned program extends from ECCE/D (Early Childhood Care and Education / Development ) through to women targeted higher education. Elements of sporting activities are also included and special needs children also. Young women are targeted through direct grants as well as women’s group activities at community level as well as targeted vocational training Pre-program activities started December 2009 with view to full commencement January 2010..
In order to assist in monitoring this and other Sri Lanka programs and to create a ‘think-tank’, advisory steering, and fund-raising function a Rose Charities Canada, Sri Lanka Projects Sub-committee was formed.
Other programs (additional to the grant program) which continue include…
The University/College support program (formerly UniversiTea) which runs in conjunction with the Education Generation Organization ( and has now assisted around 80 students, some of whom have now successfully graduated in several disciplines and have obtained jobs
The Rose Charities Sri Lanka Microcredit program. This, very successful program is monitored and assisted by the RoseMicroCredit Committee of Rose Charities Canada which runs its own fund raising program as well as website. Around 1000 persons have now been assisted in individual or shared micro-credit initiatives of all types.
Eye Clinic. A small eye clinic was founded, with aim initially to provide simple examination and advice, but gradually to expand to refraction and glasses preparation services, more complicate medical treatments and possibly eventually cataract treatment. Speed of progress will depend on resources and ability to integrate into the current health systems
‘K-2-K (Kid to Kid), formerly ‘Edu-twin’ program. This program designed to twin children and families in industrialized countries with those needing schooling assistance in Sri Lanka . Several donors have already started contributing. However before the formal inauguration of this program there had been at least one generous individual sponsorship which effectively piloted the program
Rose Charities continues to support Frontier Primary Health Care (FPHC) Pakistan through the Hillman Medical Education Fund or This program is a Pakistani non-governmental organization (NGO), providing primary health care services to more than 150,000 people in the Charsadda, Mardan and Swabi districts of Northwestern Frontier Province. The Hillman support has helped to train women village health assistants in midwifery.
The RIC-Rose drug-alcohol rehabilitation and anti trafficking program suffered some contraction during 2009 which lead to a dormant planning and reassessment phase at the end of the year. Whether the program will be redeveloped is currently unclear.
Rose Charities New Zealand, which has major focus in ophthalmology, however commenced support for the Lumbini Eye Institutes program in training village female community eye workers to screed for eye disease. Early detection of conditions such as glaucoma or trachoma is essential to prevent blindness.
Rose Charities New Zealand also sponsored a visit by Dr Basant Raj Sharma - current Vice President of Rose Charities Intenational and Senior Ophthalmologist (and founder of several of their programs) at Lumbini Eye Institute to Visit New Zealand.
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